Victoria's Secret: The Tour '23 2023 / An aesthetic object so fine, it doesn't need anything below the surface


I’m still stuck between calling The Tour 23 a clever marketing trick or a feast for the senses. Contradictions have always nested at the heart of the brand, between beauty and its toxic standards, so it’s self-aware of them to highlight that in an audience-facing film. It’s undeniable that the VS shows have held spectacle in high regard and cultivated a fanbase that outnumbers the actual consumers, but this film will feel like a treat even if you don’t care for luxury wear. Even more, it’s perhaps a bit too likable: it’s lush without being kitschy, it’s woke without the overt politics, it’s fun, but not a joke, and most of all, it brings us closer to the visions of creators from around the world who have so much more to give than what they’ve given Victoria’s Secret.

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