Subscription F.A.Q

What is it?

We offer subscriptions that allow you to access subscriber-only advantages on your account.

How much does it cost?

You can find our pricing here.

What do I get?

A large catalog of subscriber-only suggestions, subscriber-only features, and that warm fuzz feeling that comes from supporting a boutique media operation. We’re 100% independent, supported only by readers and public grants.

Do I need an account to access my subscriber benefits?

Yes, but creating one is super quick and easy here.

Where do I find the subscriber-only recommendations?

Once you’re subscribed and logged in, you can find all our premium suggestions here.

I’m subscribed to the paid newsletter The Watch, how do I access website advantages?

Easy, use the exact same e-mail address that you get the newsletter on (the one you subscribed with). If you don’t have an account, create one here. And if you already have an account, just log in.

I’ve just subscribed to the newsletter, created an agoodmovietowatch account, but the website still thinks I’m not subscribed

Quickly visit or refresh our homepage (, and it should work. You should do this only after you create an account and login. If you’re still having issues, don’t hesitate to contact our support. We’ll stop whatever movie we’re watching to answer as quickly as possible.

I see that I am subscribed on the website, but I’m not getting any newsletter e-mails.

Website subscriptions (through Paypal) don’t register you for the paid newsletter. If you subscribed through Paypal, you won’t be registered for the newsletter.

I forgot my password

This way to reset it.

Why isn’t this website perfect?

We’re still figuring things out, and we run on a very low budget. But we’re getting better with each day, and with your help, we can be perfect. If you have any feedback for us, please let us know here. And if you’re having issues using the site, you can message us here.