Terror Tuesday: Extreme 2024/ A collection of decent to disappointing horror stories that seem to pride themselves solely on their twists and backstories
At times, Terror Tuesday: Extreme feels straightforward in a flat way: making the connections for you, holding your hand like a child, and almost guiding you to a moral lesson. Other times, the presentation feels like old folktales, or ghost stories around a campfire: simple and engaging. Even then, the highs don’t make up for the drawn-out lows, which consist of simplistic stories and handing out training wheels for the viewer’s imagination in a TV-MA series. The twists and the drama portions are fun at times, but with a title like that, the viewer deserves to enjoy more than just a few moments here and there.
At times, Terror Tuesday: Extreme feels straightforward in a flat way: making the connections for you, holding your hand like a child, and almost guiding you to a moral lesson. Other times, the presentation feels like old folktales, or ghost stories around a campfire: simple and engaging. Even then, the highs don’t make up for the drawn-out lows, which consist of simplistic stories and handing out training wheels for the viewer’s imagination in a TV-MA series. The twists and the drama portions are fun at times, but with a title like that, the viewer deserves to enjoy more than just a few moments here and there.