This extremely unusual movie about the life of legendary Chilean filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky (as in Jodorowsky's Dune) was financed by an Indiegogo campaign, giving his already unusual style full freedom. There are cardboard trains, ninjas, and disturbing sex scenes. It all serves to tell his life of growing up in a bohemian neighborhood in Santiago, Chile, going against his family, becoming a poet, and joining the Chilean avant-guard movement. Jodorowsky, now 91 years old, went on a 23 year hiatus before making this movie and its prequel, The Dance of Reality, both about his life.
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, History
Actor: Adan Jodorowsky, Adrián Salgado, Agustín Moya, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Alejandro Sieveking, Ali Ahmad Sa'Id Esber, Andrea Zuckermann, Bastián Bodenhöfer, Brontis Jodorowsky, Carolyn Carlson, Clara María Escobar, Felipe Ríos, Jeremias Herskovits, Juan Quezada, Julia Avendaño, Kaori Ito, Leandro Taub, Lux Pascal, Luz María Yacometti, Matías Orrego, Pamela Flores, Raúl López, Sergio Monge
Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky
Rating: Unrated