Based on the Hugo and Nebula award-winning novel by Neil Gaiman, American Gods the show is an ambitious new take on visual storytelling. Set in modern day America, it follows Shadow (Ricky Wittle), a newly released ex-convict shaken by the sudden death of his wife, as he is begrudgingly introduced to a world of warring deities, where the old gods' existence is threatened by the rise of new gods. Mr Wednesday (Ian McShane), Shadow's new employer, travels America as he recruits an army in preparation for this war. The show's extravagant set pieces and eerie long soundtracks offer a bizarre, otherworldly experience, backed by superb writing and a great cast. If you're tired of unoriginal, formulaic stories and visuals in tv show, look no further: American gods is ambitious, unique, and definitely deserving of your attention.
Genre: Mystery
Actor: Crispin Glover, Emily Browning, Ricky Whittle