Movies Like About Time (2013) On Vudu/page/2/Wikipedia

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Chasing the feel of watching About Time ? Here are the movies we recommend you watch right after.

The brain behind this movie is one of the most legendary British screenwriters of all time: Richard Curtis. While he is beyond famous in the UK for founding the Comic Relief charity as well as co-writing some of the most iconic and biting comedy that have since become national treasures, like the legendary Not the Nine O'Clock News, Spitting Image, and Blackadder, he his best-known in the rest of the world for penning the seminal romcoms of the 90s and nascent 00s, including Four Weddings, Love Actually, and Bridget Jones. About Time is roughly in that same ballpark, combining affecting, sentimental warmth with an unlikely sci-fi premise. When Tim Lake (Domhnall Gleeson) turns 21, his father (Bill Nighy) reveals that all the men from his family can travel through time. They cannot, however, change history, only themselves. Lake uses his powers to achieve a happiness in life that he always wanted. However, time travel does not shield him from confronting essential human issues. If you're the kind of person who would enjoy a pleasurable romcom with a time-travel element, get on it. This is classic Richard Curtis and, in this genre, he's the best there is.

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