Hospital Playlist is a heartwarming and engaging South Korean series that follows the lives and friendships of five doctors who work at the same hospital. With its perfect blend of drama, humor, and genuine moments, the show offers an intimate and realistic portrayal of the challenges and joys faced by medical professionals. The characters are beautifully developed, and their personal stories are both relatable and deeply moving. The series strikes a balance between medical cases and the characters' personal lives, creating a captivating narrative that keeps you invested from beginning to end. A must-watch for its heartfelt storytelling and compelling ensemble cast.
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Actor: Ahn Eun-jin, Bae Hyeon-seong, Cho Jung-seok, Cho Seung-yeon, Cho Yi-hyun, Choi Young-jun, Choi Young-woo, Dae-Myung Kim, Ha Yoon-kyung, Jeon Kwang-jin, Jeon Mi-do, Joo Bo-bi, Jung Kyung-ho, Jung Moon-sung, Jung-suk Jo, Kim Dae-myeong, Kim Dae-Myeung, Kim Dae-myung, Kim Hae-sook, Kim Hae-suk, Kim Hye-In, Kim Ji-seong, Kim Kang-min, Kim Kap-soo, Kim Soo-jin, Kwak Sun-young, Kyung-ho Jung, Lee Chan-hyeong, Lee Chan-hyung, Lee Dal, Lee Ji-hoon, Lee Ji-won, Lee Jong-won, Lee Noah, Lee Noh-ah, Lee Se-hee, Moon Hee-kyung, Moon Tae-yu, Park Han-sol, Park Ji Yun, Park Ji-yeon, Shin Hyun-been, Shin Hyun-bin, Yang Jo-a, Yeon-Seok Yoo, Yoo Yeon-seok, Yoon Hye-ree
Rating: N/A