Mythic Quest is a workplace sitcom following the fictional video game studio Mythic Quest HQ. Created by the people behind It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the series is equal parts sentimental and funny, and with each episode running at more or less 30 minutes, it’s also a breeze to watch. This isn't to say that Mythic Quest doesn't have substance; on the contrary, one of its many strengths is its ability to parody the gaming industry. The show is laced with the kind of sharp wit that's found in the smartest of satires.
Gaming enthusiasts will surely find an instant liking to the series, but even those who aren’t familiar with the technicals won’t have any trouble connecting to the show’s sweet center.
Genre: Comedy
Actor: Ashly Burch, Charlotte Nicdao, Danny Pudi, David Hornsby, Imani Hakim, Jessie Ennis, Rob McElhenney