agoodmovietowatch is a database of highly-rated movies. Because of this, we know that while Netflix US may have a larger catalog of titles, Netflix Canada actually has a larger catalog of good titles. Our latest count shows that we have 149 good movies for Netflix Canada, and only 120 for Netflix US (to find all the movies we suggest for Canada go back to the homepage and use the region selector in the top bar to choose your country). When you end up on a list like this, you must be accustomed with the confusion and frustration that come with browsing Netflix aimlessly. From our research, this is caused by two things. First, something called the paradox of choice, where the larger the options you have to choose from the harder it is to choose. Second, recommendation algorithms. A while ago Netflix removed their ratings and replaced them with match percentages. What this means is that if you watched a cop movie, you will have a 100% match record with other cop movies, good or bad. Our solution to both issues is a simple website that has a very limited selection of only good titles. We know they're good because they're loved by both critics and viewers at the same time. Below is a list of the best ones currently on Netflix Canada as rated by our users. When you're done with this list, we highly recommend checking out the 40 Best TV Shows on Netflix Canada You Haven’t Yet Binged.
863 agoodmovietowatch Staff Lists (Page 58)
The famous agoodmovietowatch staff lists: no-frills countdowns of the movies you’re actually looking for. No classics, blockbusters, or movies that you’ve already watched. Just highly-rated and little-known titles.
A while ago Netflix removed its ratings and replaced them with match percentages. The concept might be interesting but it goes against a very simple principle. Say you watched two good cop movies and liked them, your next viewing should not be a third crappy movie, but a good anything movie. Users will almost always choose a 4 star movie over a 1 star movie, even if the latter matches their preferences by 100%. agoodmovietowatch is a movie suggestion website mainly for Netflix. Here are the 10 highest movies on Netflix, to find all movies and their ratings, please visit
Because rights are unevenly distributed across streaming platforms, subscribers for services like Hulu can sometimes find themselves in luck and stream films and series that aren't accessible on more popular platforms like Netflix. For this purpose, and among all films available, we made this list of the best movies on Hulu. It goes across genres and sub genres, from the funny and goofy comedy Soul Kitchen to the crazy and creepy We Need to Talk About Kevin. Notable mention goes to Still Mine and The Great Beauty, both of which feature excellent acting in tales about growing old (in very different parts of the world). You can also visit our best-of lists for Amazon Prime and Netflix.
Thought-Provoking is a mood on agoodmovietowatch, it is one of our favorites because there is nothing like walking out of a movie feeling to have grown up intellectually during it. Below we count down our most favorite thought-provoking and mind-bending movies, you can browse all our suggestion moods here.
agoodmovietowatch, as its name indicates, only suggests good movies. To do that we pick highly-acclaimed movies by both critics and viewers, then narrow them down to the ones that didn’t make a huge splash at the box office or which didn’t get the attention they deserved. This way we can suggest movies you will love, but haven't watched yet.
As great as Netflix is, finding good movies you haven't yet seen can be a chore. You may have even started believing that you've already seen them all. Rest assured, there is very little chance you have. A Good Movie to Watch suggests movies you haven’t seen, but you should. To do this, we only recommend movies that have received a 6.7 rating on IMDB and a 60% Fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes. This means that these movies have been appreciated by both critics and viewers, so you can trust that they’re awesome. We also try to specialize in movies that didn’t make a huge splash at the box office or which didn’t get the attention they deserved, so there is little chance you have already seen them. Below we count down our most favorite movies among those available to stream on Netflix Instant USA. For all the little-known, highly-rated movies ready to stream on Netflix, click here.