Genre: Comedy, Drama
Actor: Ajani Russell, Dede Lovelace, Kabrina Adams, Nina Moran, Rachelle Vinberg
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Actor: Ajani Russell, Dede Lovelace, Kabrina Adams, Nina Moran, Rachelle Vinberg
Three unassuming housewives team up with a violent street gang to make a little extra cash. What better TV show premise could you ask for?
Good Girls is the often hilarious, always thrilling show dubbed “Breaking Bad meets Thelma And Louise.” The three lead actresses are fun and have great chemistry together as they navigate a sometimes fast-paced show, and other times a family drama.
And that may be the only issue with this show, it doesn’t exactly pick a lane. However, if, like me, you don’t mind a little Detroit housewive drama mixed in with your thrilling scenes, you’ll have a great time.
Genre: Comedy
Actor: Christina Hendricks, David Hornsby, Isaiah Stannard, Izzy Stannard, James Lesure, Lidya Jewett, Mae Whitman, Manny Montana, Matthew Lillard, Reno Wilson, Retta, Zach Gilford