This is Breaking Bad meets The Social Network. Based on a true story that took place in Leipzig, Germany in 2015, this show is about Moritz, a high-schooler who starts Europe’s biggest drug market online. He initially does this to impress his ex-girlfriend, who had just come back from the States with new drug experiences.
The transformation of a nerd into a drug kingpin is fascinating. But because it is based on a true story, there is an important nuance to that transformation. Moritz is rarely portrayed as a hero, and his creepy side is always present. This makes for an interesting and exciting plot-heavy show.
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama
Actor: Bjarne Madel, Damian Hardung, Danilo Kamber, Danilo Kamperidis, Jolina Amely Trinks, Lena Klenke, Leonie Wesselow, Luna Schaller, Maximilian Mundt, Roland Riebeling