In Between is a beautiful and poignant film that offers a sensitive and nuanced exploration of the lives and experiences of three Palestinian women living in Tel Aviv. The film follows their struggles to reconcile their traditional and cultural identities with their desire for independence, freedom, and self-expression. The stunning visuals, evocative and emotional score, and brilliant performances of the cast combine to create a powerful and moving portrait of resilience, sisterhood, and hope. Profoundly human and deeply affecting, In Between offers a fresh and important perspective on the complex realities of life in Israel and Palestine.
Genre: Drama
Actor: Amir Khoury, Elias Matar, Firas Nassar, Khawlah Hag-Debsy, Mahmoud Shalaby, Maisa Abd Elhadi, Mouna Hawa, Riyad Sliman, Samar Qupty, Sana Jammalieh, Shaden Kanboura, Suhel Haddad, Tamer Nafar
Director: Maysaloun Hamoud