Dorohedoro is a delightfully bizarre and visually striking anime series that immerses viewers in a dark and twisted world of sorcery and macabre humor. With its unique blend of supernatural elements, gritty action, and offbeat comedy, the show captivates with its eccentric characters and intricate plot. The animation is stunning, bringing the gritty cityscape of Hole to life, while the engaging storyline keeps you hooked with its mystery and intriguing revelations. Dorohedoro is a wild ride that embraces its quirkiness, offering a fresh and exhilarating experience for anime fans craving something delightfully unconventional.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Actor: Hisao Egawa, Hozumi Goda, Kengo Takanashi, Kenyu Horiuchi, Mayu Udono, Mitsuhiro Ichiki, Miyu Tomita, Miyuri Shimabukuro, Reina Kondo, Ryohei Kimura, Shigeru Chiba, Shin-ichiro Miki, Takehito Koyasu, Takuma Terashima, Tetsu Inada, Tooru Nara, Wataru Takagi, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Yu Kobayashi, Yuki Kaji