2 Best Movies to Watch by LaMonica Garrett

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Tulsa King, and Mayor of Kingstown. Lioness could have been a chance for Sheridan to prove his versatility by showing us the female side of things for once; he could’ve explored the unique and complex situation female members of the military go through, and maybe jump into that rich discourse of intersectionality, but the show never really digs far beyond its spy thriller surface. Filled with soapy cliches, I’m-not-like-other-women takes, and what could only be product placements for the US Marines, Lioness doesn’t really seem like anything other than generic fare. 

Genre: Action, Drama

Actor: Austin Hebert, Dave Annable, James Jordan, Jill Wagner, Jonah Wharton, LaMonica Garrett, Laysla De Oliveira, Morgan Freeman, Nicole Kidman, Stephanie Nur, Zoe Saldana