This underrated, semi-autobiographical series follows Abby (Abby McEnany), a queer person struggling with OCD and depression. She navigates life's ups and downs with humor that is both offbeat and sympathetic, but things quickly take a turn for the romantic when Abby's sister sets her up with Chris, a trans man 20 years her junior.
Relatable, hilarious, and frank, the miniseries is a tender gem of a show. It's also effortlessly relevant, which checks out: creator and star Abby McEnany mines inspiration from her own experience as a queer artist, while executive producer Lilly Wachowski (The Matrix) reportedly made a big push for authentic trans representation.
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Actor: Abby McEnany, Celeste Pechous, Julia Sweeney, Karin Anglin, Theo Germaine