Based on a forthcoming memoir by queer music duo Tegan & Sara, High School follows the twin sisters in '90s Canada as they figure out their place in school, in family, and ultimately in each other’s lives. Despite the well-worn premise and the throwback setting, High School feels fresh and honest in ways that are not always present in teen stories. It’s delicate and subdued while still being potent and edgy—a great alternative if Netflix’s brasher teen fare isn’t for you. High School has been likened to other great authentic coming-of-age shows like Freaks and Geeks and My So-Called Life.
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Actor: Amanda Fix, Brianne Tju, Cobie Smulders, Esther McGregor, Geena Meszaros, Kyle Bornheimer, Olivia Rouyre, Railey Gilliland, Seazynn Gilliland