2 Best Movies to Watch by Ana Torrent

Staff & contributors

, 1996

Because of our continued interest in living, one would think that human beings would shy away from death, but the opposite seems to be the reality. There’s a certain morbid fascination with violence, to the point that some people are captivated in making it more intense, more sensational, and more dangerous. Just before his groundbreaking second feature, Alejandro Amenábar made his debut around that idea in Thesis. It’s quite meta, of course, with the film about film students studying violence in media pulled into a murder mystery after discovering a snuff film, but Amenábar also sticks quite close to the narrative conventions of the genre, remixing certain tropes and the general knowledge of how such a film would go to heighten the sense of paranoia that Angela (and the audience) feels.

Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller

Actor: Ana Torrent, Eduardo Noriega, Emiliano Otegui, Fele Martínez, Fele Martínez, José Luis Cuerda, Miguel Picazo, Nieves Herranz, Paco Hernández, Rosa Campillo, Xabier Elorriaga

Director: Alejandro Amenábar, Alejandro Amenábar

Rating: R