Samsara 2011, 2012 / Quite literally a no-words documentary on the ever-turning wheel of life.


The Sanskrit word Samsara refers to the wheel of life and roughly translates to “continuous flow”. And, indeed, Samsara takes us on an entrancing journey, chronicling the never-ending cycle of birth, life, death, and re-birth that life, big and small, goes through—at least according to the religions that were born on the Indian continent. Shot on 70mm film and utilizing computerized camera movements as well as time-lapse photography, this film by American director Ron Fricke delivers absolutely breath-taking visuals. Whether it’s awe-inspiring vastness or the close-up of a human face, its narration-less narrative integrates every aspect of human and natural life regardless of scale or location. The scope of this effort is truly awe-inspiring and the clarity of it has to be seen to be believed. An unusual and magical film!


    One of the most incredible documentaries I have ever seen! It is different, it has an very special atmosphere and says so much without a single word... It takes you on a journey around the world with beautiful, original shots. It is definitely an experience I would recommend! 0 people liked this review.

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