What starts out as a cross between a prank show, a lifestyle series on odd jobs, and a deadpan version of Jackass eventually becomes one of the most unique and genuine television series of the 2010s. Key to Nathan for You being as good as it is, is that Nathan Fielder makes himself the ultimate butt of the joke. The various people he "assists" are definitely made to look a little ridiculous—if not for the nature of their work, then for going along with Fielder for as long as they do—but never for a second does he make his own character seem like the best person in the room. Through Fielder's fearlessness in playing the jester, he grants us access into the reality that small businesses everywhere are living in: that trying to make a living and chase one's dreams is rendered absurd by the capitalist system we're forced to participate in. But Fielder's awkward, overly direct character (who's ultimately just desperate to be loved) makes the kindness, patience, and sincerity of the people around him shine even brighter.
Genre: Comedy, Documentary, Reality
Actor: Nathan Fielder
Rating: TV-14