The Traitors 2023 / Blending elements of Among Us, Survivor, and the schoolyard game Mafia, this addictive reality competition show has participants backstabbing their way to the top


If the rules to The Traitors sound familiar, it’s because they’re premised on the schoolyard game Mafia (or Werewolf), which itself is based on trickery and deceit. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like much, but once you raise the stakes to a quarter of a million dollars, as the show does, then it becomes a test of morality: how far are you willing to go to win some cash? And when it comes down to it, will you be able to choose between money and friends?

Mix this with typical reality drama, Survivor-like tournaments, and compelling backstories, then you have yourself an addictive watch, as entertaining as it is over the top. It’s not prestige TV, but it’s an enjoyable way to spend your time, especially if you’re a fan of competition shows.

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