Last Night in Soho 2021 / A Studio Ghibli plot dressed like a vintage horror film


In Last Night in Soho, director Edgar Wright has so much to play with. The old lady character serves an unexpected role, while Ellie (Thomasin McKenzie) faces an interesting morality crisis as she tries to decide who to help at the end of the film. Just as fascinating is the film’s Ghibli-esque premise: we follow a hero going on an adventure far away from home and into a world where it’s unclear where reality ends and fantasy begins. However, a lot of the time, it feels like the film was made to serve a big twist that doesn’t have enough weight to it. The fantasy is far more intriguing than any tame interaction the film has to offer, so it doesn’t feel like it lives up to its potential. But there is one obvious exception: Anya Taylor-Joy’s magnetic presence as Sandie—it’s a presence powerful enough to hold a film together.

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